Membership Benefits
As a member of JCSNE, you are automatically enrolled as a member of the JCNA parent organization and will receive the bimonthly, full color, glossy publication the Jaguar Journal.
In addition, JCSNE publishes our own bimonthly newsletter,The Spotted Cat which carries notices of upcoming events of interest to our members, service information, articles by fellow enthusiasts and experts, and both commercial and free classified advertising. The current issue of the newsletter, in color, is always viewable (and downloadable) on our web site, and members can also choose to have a black & white copy mailed to their home for an additional charge to cover reproduction, postage and handling.
One of the best ways to enjoy your Jaguar is to consider membership in a Jaguar club. Being a club member and interacting with other enthusiasts, you’ll learn valuable information on maintaining, rebuilding, or restoring your Jaguar, and where to find the best parts sources and related services. Several members also swap parts and services with each other, to their mutual benefit.
Tour the public side of our web site to get a feel for our club’s activities and interests. Check out the Why Join? page for a description of the additional content you’ll find on the member side of our web site. We hope your interest in Jaguars and this brief description of the club will encourage you to attend our next meeting. If you find our club to be your 'cup o' tea', then by all means Join JCSNE . You'll find us friendly and helpful, and we are sure that you'll enjoy membership in JCSNE.
If you have any questions about JCSNE and/or JCNA, please Contact Us for more information.
...The Officers, BoD and Staff of JCSNE