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The Jaguar Club of Southern New England
Your JCNA Affiliate Club for Connecticut, Rhode Island & Western Mass
JCSNE promotes ownership,
operation, preservation
and restoration of
Jaguar automobiles.
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             2024 JCSNE CONCOURS  
2024 JCSNE Concours June 23

HomeEvents CalendarConcours Judge Training at Motorcars Inc.

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Concours Judge Training at Motorcars Inc.

About this event

JCSNE will have its annual Judge's Seminar Saturday May 11th at Motorcars, Inc in Plainville, CT starting at 9 AM to Noon.

This year's seminar is mandatory for those who wish to maintain their credentials as a JCNA Certified Judge. There is now a new Certified Judge's Test which must be taken with a passing grade, and a new Judge's Rule Book which requires familiarization with its new re-organization, rewrites and several new rules.

I urge you to download the attached Certified Judge's Test file and print it out.  You can then take the test on your own using the digital Rule Book which is also attached. This can be downloaded onto your Computer or Smartphone for use, as needed, to answer the test questions.


Bring your completed test with you to the Seminar. We will score each of your tests as a group, and discuss a specific answer only as necessary or by request.


Not having to take the test during the seminar will allow us more time to do some actual judging of one or more Jaguars that Dean will make available to us. This is a far more effective way to teach an apprentice the process and protocols of judging. This can also be very instructive for those who would just like to be educated about the judging process, or would like to learn what knowledge you must acquire to become a certified judge.


Even those of you that are planning to compete in the Regional or North American JCNA Concours Awards this year, perhaps for the first time, will also benefit greatly by attending this seminar. You will learn what the judges actually look for, and how you must prepare your entry for the best possible results.


Stay healthy, and Safe Motoring,           

 Hal Kritzman                                     


JCSNE, Chief Judge                         

JCNA, Chief Judge

Date and Time

Saturday, May 11, 2024, 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM


Motorcars Inc.
333 Cooke Street
Plainville, CT  06062

Event Contact(s)

Harold Kritzman
Chief Judge

Robert Silvestri



Registration Info

Registration is required